Here's an update on Marvin's workshop. I'm really excited to have the opportunity to study with him. I'll post a little bit as time permits, because this is a very worthwhile investment, for anyone considering it for the future. Marvin is a great teacher! In the past, I was a bit worried about stylistic differences, but it wasn't necessary. He teaches the basics, and the student can do with them what he or she wants.
I attended his lecture "Everything I know about painting I learned at the Met" a few years ago and learned so much that helped me immediatly in my drawing. Heard it again last night - had forgotten a lot of things that I intend to remember to help me improve my painting.
Anyway, about the workshop (in Atlanta, at Binder's Art Supply - the evening lectures are available to the public - check out Marvin's link for info:
Yesterday was a demonstration day. Marvin has two models. Here he is working on his wash-in, which involves painting the model in one color to establish the drawing and values before color is added.
The actual progression is one that Marvin is in the process of photographing and will probably be posting on his website. I don't presume to show them, because my photos came out a bit distorted.
Here he is at the beginning of the process.