I did it! I had my last class today! I'm a college graduate!
After thousands of hours (real time), thousands of dollars (real money), enormous amounts of joy and frustration and a couple of epiphanies I finished my degree. Can you believe it? I am now a candidate for a BFA in Art with the emphasis on Painting. (Actual graduation is on the 11th, but I had my last class and got my last grade today.)
So, they didn't teach me how to paint, as I've lamented about here many times before, but I can honestly say, I don't regret it. I learned so much about so many other things, I feel it can only enhance my work. Besides, I've come to the conclusion the only real way to learn how to paint is to paint and paint and paint.
Anyway, I wanted to celebrate a bit with you all, as you have listened to my whining off and on for a while now. It's over! I'm done! Not with whining, I'm sure I'll find something else to whine about , but I'm DONE WITH SCHOOL!!!! Woohoo! Yeehah!
Ooops. Sorry, I got a little carried away.