I am trying to get a body of work to submit to the local Library for a month long show.
Affiliating myself with the theater group, I have a definite Much Ado coming up in a couple of months and JUST hung my Macbeth. 27 actors. The doubled the witches and did cut some semi-supernumeraries.
This set I took to a local framer and had them all matted in 16x20 black with foam core back and shrink sealed.
Last Friday I hit a rehearsal but no costume or make up (they decided to do a GOTH production...

... but nobody co-operated) So the first group had the most males and the 7witches..
First group is Macbeth with Banquo coming home from the war, Duncan and his two sons, the doctor and a gentlewoman watching Lady Mac go mad and the two murderers.