Greetings. I have finally gotten around to finishing up an oil version of my favorite model, Sheeba. I don't normally do a portrait of anyone whose eyes I cannot see clearly reflecting light so this was different. I must have some strange addiction to challenging patterns as the pattern of her sari certainly was another uphill struggle. Leave it to me to approve of a sari with sequins.
18 X 24. Oil on panel.
The color isn't entirely accurate thanks to the red in her sari throwing everything off. It is close but not perfectly accurate.
Thank you for looking.
EDIT 8/31/05: I hated the background. I hated it from the beginning. Since we all know how incredibly impatient I am and since this was just for me I settled. Then I got a PM from someone very thoughtful who suggested it could be better. The suggestion went on to say the fabric "look" wasn't as believable as the subject. Well that validated what already bothered me so I decided to change it. Originally my thought was to do a simple background but I feel like I am always doing that so I didn't. Well, I should have stuck with my gut. I think this change has been an improvement and I hope you agree. How many of you were gritting your teeth at the original background? LOL. How many of you wished I had put this in the critique section? So, I hope you like the change. I am also adding another photo of the entire face in a separate post.
Thank goodness for the ability to amend posts, rethink artistic decisions and for fellow artists looking out for my professional growth.
Last edited by Lisa Ober; 08-31-2005 at 10:01 AM.