Thanks a bunch!
If you were whining about the guy's comments I could understand, but you're not.
I shouldn't whine about his comment, I should thank him. I'll take one honest critique over 100 false pats on the back any day. I remember posting something online and received only praises. One person wrote me and said he/she would expect better. It was good to hear.
I'll get over having my feelings hurt, I won't get over producing bad work. And so far, no one's ever hurt my feelings with a critique. The whole thing that happened at Mystic was more of a disappointment of expectation at the time. It was all me, I put no blame on anyone else for what I felt.
Get a grip and stop with all the modesty before one of us slaps you silly
I would
so enjoy getting slapped around by you, Kim. tee-hee-hee.
Hmmmm, I'm sorry if that sounds bad.