These are not the best of the photos from a shoot today, but I wanted to share.
As some of you might remember - I moved to a ranch last summer and will be leaving this coming summer. Back to a city where there are actually people instead of just cows.. We took advantage of the surroundings and got ourselves some chickens. After all - the pens were there and they were far from the house. I agreed only on the condition that I get at least one colorful rooster to add to a painting somehow. Unfortunately - the day before this shoot something got into the roosters area and ate him. Country life.... We are getting eggs at this point - which is a novel thing. So - wanting to incorporate everything around me into are some shots from today.
I am still very frustrated that I still cant seem to get a shot exposed right when there is a bright sky there. And I have lots of distortion on the building. I havent been using my new lens because I havent gotten a decent tripod yet. whine, whine...
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn