Pastel of Korinne
Here's a new pastel I started a few days ago. Once again, they are driving me insane. I've walked away from this piece several times, popped in a Daniel Greene tape and convinced myself, "hey this stuff is easy", then returned to my suffering. I don't know how much time I've spent on it because I've stepped away so many times.
I'm going to leave the face like this until I finish the background to then judge what colors to finish off the face. I believe I will be adding more ochres as the background will be in shades of ochre with purple and blue accents. she has a great blue light shining in her hair and a purple sweater that I'm waiting to jump into.
This is my first time working off a monitor. I bought a refurbished 21" CRT monitor for under $200 including shipping and it works great. I just had to surround the screen to block out the lighting. It takes getting used to, but the quality is much better than referring to a print. I'll post an update in about a week. Any comments or critiques welcome.
Thanks for looking.
"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish"-Michelangelo
jimmie arroyo