I'm still using the Lee Boynton palette. I sanded off the polyurethane finish on the top surface and painted it gray, using oils. I clean it off using CP linseed oil and it has a nice satin sheen to it. I also bought an unfinished one and painted it gray, but was too busy to oil it. It sat in the corner for about a year and I just checked it the other day. Unfortunately it had warped, something that Lee had warned me about.
Lee is currently trying to arrive at a paint mixture, in accordance with my specifications, so my students or anyone else who was interested, would be able to order a Boynton palette with a Mattelson approved gray surface. Can it get any better than this? Just kidding!
The great thing about Lee's palettes is that the main piece is made from 1/16 " marine grade plywood which makes it very light, like holding nothing. It is also perfectly balanced so it tilts toward you and requires no effort to keep it tilted at the right angle. So your arm stays relaxed and there is no tension whatsoever.