Here's a link that you might find useful when your D70 arrives. It's entitled: Nikon D70: Lessons for Digital Newbies.
The following was excepted from the beginning:
How to Set Up Your D70
Anyone who has found a workable setup for their D70 will be inclined to suggest you use the same setup. I am doing the same thing here. I have found this to be an excellent setup that works for all kinds of photography, and I want you to get going quickly without getting mired down in the complexities of differing opinions and rationales for different setups. You can get mired down in that stuff later!
This setup will give you balanced exposures and will be perfect for our workflow which will include taking the shot, getting it to your computer, and perfecting it with post processing.
The author indicates that the D70 shoots it's images slightly to the dark side. This is something that find is very noticeable. The author suggests (he's living in California light) that you bump up the exposure a third of a stop to compensate for this. I did a few tests and find this to be a good way to go. When I compared the two images (no compensation vs one third stop brighter) side by side and tried to manipulate the dark one back to the one that had been lightened by a third, I found that I lacked the precision of the cameras original third stop compensation.
The other suggested setting he offers will have to be tested out individually over time.