Thank you very much for your reply.
Originally Posted by Mike McCarty
I believe that you can "manage" the will and desires of the client by allowing them to be in on decisions that have basically already been made.
I think this is the key and put so well! I will print this and add it to my notebook under 'sittings' where I keep notes for myself. I see what you mean, a client falls in love with one phots and what am I to do? Insist on painting a different one? No, better to not even see the ones I choose not to paint. And I eliminated some, but I feel now that I didn't put enough thought into the final product. Otherwise I would have eliminated more. All but 2 or 3 probably. And then that would leave some of the decision making to the client.
I agree that this is a vital lesson. Now I know to think long and hard about any photo I show to a client.
And yes, it would be easier to just have the mom sit in the other room from the beginning instead of asking her to leave.
Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughtful comments, they are very much apprecaited,