Wrapped in roses
Hi, at the request of Cynthia D., I am posting a picture of my oil painting Wrapped in Roses. It is a 20" x 28" painting of my daughter, Haley.
The times I have entered the PSA competition it has been with a painting of Haley. She must be my good luck charm! I finished the painting just in the nick of time to enter the PSA competition in Boston and to my surprise it was chosen as a finalist!
'05 3rd Place, ARC
'04 PSA Finalist
'04 Staff Award & Finalist, ARC
'04 2nd Place, Pastel Journal
'04 Finalist, Artist's Mag
'02 Merit Award, PSA
'01 Finalist, PSA
'01 Best Portfoilio, PSA
'00 Finalist, PSA