I am currently searching for a mentor, atelier or school where I can learn or rather improve my existing artistic skills to become a proficient and reputable artist. What I mean to gain is the knowledge found in techniques and processes to achieve realism in my representational art. Today I went on a tour at the Michael John Angel Academy, and I was very impressed. I have to say that their teachers and philosophy must be top notch because the artwork I viewed of various students at different levels was superb. What amazed me was that, in the end, all the students achieved an impressive level of high realism that was consistent with the objectives set forth by the school and expected by admirers of classical (realist) artwork. I won't go into detail about the school, since you can explore it further on their website
I understand that patience is necessary, just as it is in all aspects of life, however, given that I can only allocate about 1 day a week for study (due to work and family commitments), I would not be able to learn any aspect of portrait painting for another 2 to 3 years by following their curriculum. Fine, I know I can still practice painting portraits on my spare time (which is decreasing rapidly), but at $172.00 a month (for one day a week instruction), I may find myself spending a lot of time and money learning the fundamentals of drawing with pencils and charcoal for two years and not gaining a great deal of painting knowledge. I understand that one must learn to draw proficiently and precisely before they can paint properly, however, I am not exactly a beginner either. At this point, I am leaning towards the 'go for it' decision, but still need opinions and suggestions from others...especially my wife

Thanks everyone.
David Bottoni