Help! Please tell me that at one time or another you have experienced serious "artistic block". And please tell me how you dealt with it. Three weeks ago I had some minor surgery (really not a big deal) which put me out of commission for over two weeks. I was unable to focus on drawing because of the pain level and discomfort and pain meds. Well I am much better and healing very well, except that now . . . .
I am trying not to panic. My darkest nightmare is that becoming an artist will remain an unrequited dream.
I have been sketching every evening, even though NOTHING is coming from it. It is very painful, as you can imagine, to see the YUCK at the end of the evening. And getting harder to pick up the sketchpad and pencil.
Any suggestions, tips, exercises which have worked for you?
Stuck in this slump
Panicky Patty !