Hello Gwen, I would like to make a point about photo's. I have made this mistake so many times I feel qualified to give this advice. What may be a very nice photo of a darling little girl, may not be the best material for a portrait. I have often been seduced by such things as a beautiful garden of flowers, a dramatic sky etc. Only to take the person out of the context that was so pleasing, and having done so, reduced my chances for success. I would not want to tackle this little girl. Those tiny little hands so prominent, the lack of detail in the face. You have set up a very difficult task for yourself.
If you get the opportunity to photo her again I would give her center stage, fill up the frame, without the competing elements. For little people I also prefer having a more straight on or even looking up perspective. Looking down is an easy mistake to make with kids. Get down on their level or put them up on a stool.
Not to deminish from your effort, my comments are mainly toward the photo. Very best of luck.
Mike McCarty