Frame Depth Question
Hi -
I am new at the framing of oil paintings. I like JFM Enterprises for their prices and the fact that I can drive down and pick up what I like of their frames, since I don't live far away.
But - most of their frames do not have a deep rabbet. Can you use them anyway? I did this with a 24 x 36 that I know will be displayed on a wall where the sides will not normally be viewed. This particular frame has a 4-5 inch width, and it seems to me that one would have to come up to the picture and look around the sides to note that canvas is poking out a bit from the back.
But it bothers me. I would prefer that the entire canvas edge be concealed. So - is this an unprofessional approach? Should I be looking for other suppliers?
What do you folks who do large canvases on heavy duty stretchers do about frames?