Does anyone have any suggestions for painting a father and 25 year old son together?
I have been asked to do this. The mother had one done many moons ago of herself and the two girls. Now she wants one of her husband and Alex.
She is torn between doing them as they are now, or finding photos of them when they were young. I told her I doubted she would have what I needed for that, but she is looking anyway. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how I would paint two grown men? From what I remember about the painting of the girls, it was VERY casual. The mom relaxed in a chair holding the 2year-old, with the 5 year-old resting on her leg, so I would assume they would want something casual of the men. I feel like she is flexible enough to let me do whatever I want, any suggestions?
Inside? Outside? Standing? Sitting?
I'm sort of excited about trying this since I'm so used to doing young children, not to mention these are two very handsome men!