This is a drawing that the mother was not happy with. I did a pencil drawing of his brother about 11 years ago when I was first starting out. His brother was about 2 years old at the time and sat in my rocking chair in front of a large window. The mother wanted me to do a portrait of her second son who is currently 9 years old. She wanted him in the same pose, same chair in front of the same window. Well to make a long story short, three sittings later we settled on a chair outdoors and the pose you see here.
One problem that occurred was that the mother was very unhappy about his bushy eyebrows. It turns out she is very sensitve about this feature herself. Personally I like them. She also did not like the dark background. I made some minor changes but did not want to send out a drawing that I was not comfortable with. Any thoughts on how I could improve this drawing? Are the eyebrows too much? Sorry I no longer have the reference photos for this. Any input is appreciated.