I don't want to hog the critiquing time, so I thought I'd post this here. Anyone here can comment of course, any time, I wouldn't want to discourage it.
This is a self portrait from life, about 6 hours in 2 sessions. It was tougher than I expected since I chose a rather difficult pose and used natural light. It is 11 x 14.
Of course I hate pictures of myself, but this was good for me. There's my wimpy chin(s) and childlike nose (left in) and my freckles (left out). And my awful posture. But when I worked on this I found that it was an exercise in honesty, editing, and seeing through the "eyes of love" which I do for my other subjects, so why not me too?
This portrait was painted a couple weeks ago, after the workshop, after Chris Saper's book (a revelation), and after trying Daniel Greene's palette and then making a few modifications. I need to settle on a palette and think I'm about 75% satisfied.
As usual I have to make this small enough to be uploaded without bombing out, so a larger version (400 pixels) is