I'm taking a workshop this month (4 Thursdays) with Robert Maniscalco. He's an SOG member but doesn't participate on the boards. I'm hoping that some intensive coaching will help me turn a corner.
Robert is a great teacher - pretty much ran through the first year of art school in about 3 hours (what a time saver!). He's fun to listen to and energetic. He's also the kind of teacher who'll come up, grab your brush, and start scrubbing in Prussian blue because... well, actually I don't know why he did that!

I like that kind of interaction, but a few of the others are skittish about it.
This is Rick's underpainting, 20" x 16". He has a moustache, hence the weird upper lip, and the smudges in the lower left are my 2 year old's contribution. I'll post the completed work on Friday.