I have painted this model at the school many times, but I needed a demo for a really great idea a friend had, so I picked a photo of her. I donated an 8" x 10" oil portrait to a silent auction. I had already donated TWO other portraits to charities and have not had the certificates redeemed. It was very disheartening, not even to get a call from the client. I even tried to contact one of the charities but they said the info was confidential.
My friend made me DO a demo at the event. She also invited me to sit at her table. It was wonderful. I got bid up to full value and as I was there to drum up business, I told the bidders that if they took my brochure and DID NOT win the bid, I would donate the deposit of 25% for an order generated by the event. Good way for me to get into the habit of getting a deposit and good ploy to continue to support the charity. Discounting my work for a good cause.
So, that said, here is my demo. She is on sueded board, 14" x 11" and probably my most "Pastel-like" pastel so far.