Liability Insurance vs. Liability Waivers
Many of us participate in art shows, display at galleries and are present at fundraisers. We exhibit our work in all sorts of places whether it is in the mall, at rented booths or outdoor fairs. We even mail our work cross-country if we happen to be the winner in an art competition. Some of us join boards of art organizations, never really questioning what happens when things go wrong.
Organizers of art-related events, storeowners or anyone who enters into an agreement with an artist, has the artist sign a detailed liability waiver, outlining that they are not to be held liable for any damage, loss or theft or even personal injury to the artists. Fully understandable, especially once you stand on the other side of the fence and actually organize such things or sit on the board and need to make sure you protect your assets.
Quite frankly, I have been losing some sleep recently regarding the pros and cons about the purchase of high priced liability insurance. How do you protect the artist