FT Pro, Mem SOG,'08 Cert Excellence PSA, '02 Schroeder Portrait Award Copley Soc, '99 1st Place PSA, '98 Sp Recognition Washington Soc Portrait Artists, '97 1st Prize ASOPA, '97 Best Prtfolio ASOPA
Joined: Jun 2001
Location: Peterborough, NH
Posts: 1,114
I don't think that reading a painting from left to right has much to do with which way the subject faces. Rather it is the direction of the single source of light that matters here. To be consistent with reading left to right and top to bottom, the light needs to originate from the upper left.
Also, as far as "other cultures" go, I heard an interesting show on National Public Radio here in New Hampshire last week. A scientist who studdied remote tribes in Africa - that had no prior contact with any western culture - and found that they were completely unable to intrepret a two dimensional picture (photograph). He gave an example of putting a man's sandals upon a rock. He photographed them and immediately showed the man the picture and asked him what was in the picture. The man had no clue and guessed unrelated things like water, a rhino, a tree, etc. He tested and retested many people with photographs of familiar people, places and objects and got the same result. However, with intensive training, a few were gradually became able to identify common objects.
I was surprised at how "culture" determines the way we see - even though it is obvious how unfamiliar foods and music that do not come "from our culture" oftentimes affect us.
I sort of wonder if any real appreciation of what is "beautiful" is simply an acquired taste based on our exposure...