Trompe l'oeil attempt..."The Window Seat"
It is, I think, important in these fool the eye attempts to actually be in front of the actual painting for the trick to stand a chance, but here's a photo of it anyway.
This is an idea I had had for some time and was born from size restrictions imposed by a show 30x40 w/o frame. So I made a frame 29x39 and sand blasted it and then painted it as close as I could to some real old barn wood that had been weathered a long time in the elements.
I then posed the model in the box and painted it sight size from life. The work was shown at the Oil Painters of American National Exhibit, Impressons of New England at the Bennington Center for the Arts and is on it's way to the American Classic Austion in Houston.
The outer 1 inch of what looks like the frame is canvas painted to match the frame which was, as I say was done first. What say you?