My wife Dolly
Setting out on this road of portraiture is akin to setting out for Hawaii, only to discover one can only arrive there via rowboat. This is a surprising discovery, but not especially shocking unless one is 200 miles inland from the Canadian coast, as I am.
As one masters the skills required to row a boat through mountain passes, it becomes apparent there are other travellers destined for Hawaii. Some of them are almost minor gods in the world of portraiture who scarcely need row their boats at all, and who if asked, would probably insist they have not yet arrived, which makes me wonder why I wanted to go to Hawaii to begin with.
But when keeping such distinguished company,the joy is in the journey, is it not?
And so, I offer another humble effort, in the hope that my fellow travellers will throw me a bone of encouragement, or better yet, a slice of critique, medium rare.
This is my wife Dolly, a most gracious subject when one considers some of my earlier efforts. It's watercolor, about 7" square, and took two days. I know, I know, I'm slow. But I only have one oar, and often find myself pointed in the wrong direction. I know I am making progress though; these days, Dolly can distinguish that it is she I am painting.
So I beseech you, my friends, do you have advice that might make my journey easier, or at least quicker?
Will Enns