Emily, in pastel
My niece, Susan, who I haven't seen in 28 years and her family from Scotland, paid us a visit last Saturday while on vacation in the USA. I was fascinated by her children, particularly her youngest daughter, Emily, who had the most delicate features and what I can only describe as an "old fashioned" countenance. She looked as if she came straight out of "LIttle Women", or "Pride and Predjudice"! Unfortunately, with so little time at hand, I was not able to take any portrait type photos, so all I had after they had left, was a group shot. After blowing it up on my computer, I saw Emily, backlit against the evening sunset, soft and grainy from the over enlargement and I knew I just had to try to capture the moment. This is the result, 9x11 pastel, on tinted paper.
Bob Botha