To be honest, I have not had time to go through all the posts in this thread but do think a word or two, on my part, would not hurt. Actually, I hope that by sharing my though, in regard to the forum, I may benefit someone.
I try to be a person of but a few words. Still I try to convey my thoughts the best I can with the limited palette of words. It has been my personal observation that most on this forum have had their moments of ups and downs. These could be moments of personal struggle or an encounter of verbal misunderstanding. What ever the case it is a part of life that nudges each one of us.
I have also observed, the short time that I have been here, that individuals join to receive and many have also to give. What ever the case in question it is good to hear and it is obvious to see that the forum has contributed as well as benefited. As in any situation there is always room for correction and improvement and in my humble opinion I see Cynthia doing her best to grow in this respect. This section or thread the Visitir's poll is a small indication of that. Sure each has a personal agenda why they do something but the generosity should always prevail.
I personally appreciate all that the generosity I have received on this forum and find that the more I give the more I receive.
Thank you to my new friends and my not so friends. My sincere best to all and what ever your path may you find what you are looking for