Originally Posted by Terri Ficenec
Hi Cindy-- great work! I especially like how you handled the hair and the mouth.
I'm curious how the class was run. . . were there class critiques of the works in progress, or was each on your own?
Thank you, my dear.
Well. Hmmm. How the class was run? (Is this thread public?)
It was run fairly badly, in my opinion. We had to set up the room every week when we arrived, because the people who were paid to do it were always late. We had to break down tables, put up all the easels, the model stand, the lights, the backdrop, etc.
I really liked the woman who taught the class, as a person. She's incredibly sweet and personable. But, as a teacher, she left a bit to be desired. And, since I was the most "accomplished" student in the class, I was given short shrift when it came to personal attention.
There were no critiques, not even a group critique at the end. Instead, we watched a slide show of the teacher's Plein Aire classes in France. I guess she was hoping we'd all sign up.
The one thing I learned from the class was to slow down, and make deliberate choices. Then check and re-check, and fix what's wrong. Always assess your work at the beginning of each session, and address the most obvious problem first. Sounds so basic, so obvious, when I read what I just wrote, but that's it.