The feedback I got from my last thread was so helpful that I made a promise to myself that I would post all off this year's non-animal portraits for critique. Since then, of course, I've seen all the really breathtaking work that's been posted over the winter so now I think I need serious help!
The girls are sitting on and in front of their fireplace (the same one that the portrait will be hung over).
I used natural lighting for the photos that I based this painting on, aided by reflection from a large piece of white foamcore. It was a cold March afternoon.
One thing that was different about this portrait that previous ones I've painted was the large amount of time I spent putting together color charts - but it really paid off when I went back to touch up or add glazes.
This is 24x30 oil on linen (acrylic primed). I'd love any feedback you can provide..
Thanks !