Working in multiple mediums...
Hi everyone-
I am in a quandry and would very much appreciate some thoughts/advice. I also am hoping that this is the appropraite board for this post.
I work in charcoal, pastel and oil. I have been plagued with the idea that perhaps I am spreading myself a little thin, but when I think of no longer offerring one or two of my mediums to concentrate more on one, I can't possibly decide how to go about it. I love all three mediums. Oil is certainly the most challenging for me, and that makes me want to work in it all the more. However, people love my pastels and charcoals, and I enjoy that they don't take me as long to finish (I can make pastel and charcoal behave much more easily than I can oil). I have a healthy waiting list for my portraits (about a year) and I am also doing some pet portraits, some house portraits, as well as some abstract paintings by commission. This is a *major* decision for me, as I am the sole provider for my family of five right now. I enjoy all of my jobs, and I like the variety very much. However, I do not want to become a "jack of all mediums and a master at none". It is just so hard to think about actually turning down commissions! I take my career seriously, and have goals, but they get muddled when I think of all I am envolved in. I do not have a web site, so I will post an example of each medium. My prices range from $800 for a h&s in charcoal or sepia to $4,000 for a full length oil. I hope this all makes sense. Some of you may read this and think that I am complaining about a wonderful thing. Don't get me wrong, I am incredibly thankful, I am just getting the sense that I need to choose my path, and not sure of how to go about it.