Yeah, I'm John Singer Sargent's mother. Make sense when you realize I named my dog John Singer Sargent. "Sarge" is a 3 year old doberman and he keeps me company in my studio In Tucson AZ.
You can see Sarge, me and my work on my website at .
I am a professional portrait painter, and I received my training at Atelier Lack in Minneapolis MN. Though I like painting landscapes & still lifes, I don't find anything else as interesting as the human face.
My favorite thing about being a portrait painter is that I get to see beauty where few others do. A few weeks ago I visited a deli in Northern AZ and saw this gorgeous Native American girl working behind the counter. Asked her to model for me in native clothing and the photos were just amazing. And when I showed the pics to some locals, they were all so surprised. "That's the Indian girl at the deli? I had no idea she was so beautiful!"
So now I'm working on a couple of paintings based on those photos. Will post them in the critique section when they're ready.
Looking forward to exhanging information and ideas on this forum!