I'm tryin' again
Here's the pastel I've been working on for some time. I've been really stressing over it. I still have a lot to go, but the face is fairly close to done, I think. Gotta still work on the eyes and hair line, but I'm sure I'll add more along the way.
I started on her shirt which will be grayish-light blue. I don't have anything in that color range, so I experimented throwing some burnt orange first. Should that work, or was that completely stupid of me? The background and shirt will be similar colors, not positive on leaving the shirt with little detail kinda the way I do my drawings. I may also crop it more as I'm not definite on the shape or dimensions.
Any help will be appreciated, don't be worried about hurting my feelings. Thanks.
"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish"-Michelangelo
jimmie arroyo