Cheryl, I'm glad to hear you're interested in a workshop. It's not really a technique that I teach, but a way to approach painting. It is appropriate for any stylistic leaning, painterly to controlled.
Yes I make house calls but it gets pricey.
In the course of my week long workshop I can barely cover the intricacies of how and why I use color. I wish I had the time to do a video or write a book and make my approach more available, but for now, I can't afford the time. However nothing beats the experience of watching what I do first hand and having the opportunity to question anything that seems unclear. This is the very best way to learn. No close seconds.
It's my experience that when people are ready to move forward, they will make the necessary arrangements.
In the meantime here are the colors I recommend to my students. All colors are Winsor and Newton except for the white, which is made by Michael Harding and available only from the Italian Art Store.
Colors for flesh and wherever else appropriate:
MH Flake White #2
W&N Terra Rosa
W&N Yellow Ochre
W&N Yellow Ochre Pale
W&N Indian Red
W&N Ivory Black
W&N Raw Umber
Colors to round out palette:
W&N Burnt Sienna
W&N Alizarin Permanent
W&N Viridian
W&N French Ultramarine Blue
Colors I use only where very intense color is needed. Not placed on the palette unless necessary:
W&N Cadmium Scarlet
W&N Cadmium Yellow Pale