The Storyteller
Hi -
I've been privileged to attend a local school's figure class open studio this past month. Usually it's been a nude model, so I haven't posted. But today - what fun! - we had a fill-in. A gentleman of about 80 years sat in a wing-back chair and just told stories. If any of you are familiar with Southern US tradition, there's a strong tradition of story-telling, and this man was a master. He sat and talked and talked, of local history, of the Cherokee Trail of Tears, of local families and the Depression ...on and on. His hands danced as he talked. It was spell-binding.
Anyway, I had forgotten my charcoal, so I settled for the ballpoint pen in my purse. Our drawing times were approximately 30-40 minutes each. First I was too tight but got a good likeness.. The drawing I'm sharing was the second of about three or four total. I didn't worry about the likeness so much as the mood he was creating. It was like a breath of fresh air, and great fun.
Last edited by Julie Deane; 04-12-2004 at 09:48 PM.