Speaking of bad taste..."The Apprentice"
I think Kim was not only humorous in her post about bad taste, but it was very true to many of us.
I have been watching "The Apprentice" with "The Donald" this fall television season, and I must be honest I enjoy this show. But I was curious if anyone else saw this week's episode where they had to pick an artist and sell their work?
"The Donald" started the show by a reference to The Met, so I was excited - then I saw the artists who were interviewed; only to be outdone by the artist they picked to market.
One team picked a lady who I can only describe as a rated "R" Mapplethorpe on a bad hair day. It just astounds me that people really believe this is art, it blows me away that they spend money on it. Especially since we know perhaps a handful, but some very talented artist in NYC.