Delivery in a minivan
Hi Everyone,
I need to deliver a rather large portrait, 4'x4' to Chicago, which is about a 6 hr. drive from here. We don't own a minivan, nor do I know anyone well enough that has one (odd, right?) to ask for measurements. I plan on renting one for the trip, but not before I'm sure I can get this thing in there easily. My father has an old one that I borrowed before for the same size painting, but had to lay it on top of the seats which did not appeal to me (even though it was reinforced with plywood, etc.) It was not too stable! I would ideally love to just slide it in between the seats and keep it upright, or flat on the floor with seats removed (again with reinforcements).
My next stop is a car dealer with a measuring tape, but if any of you can help by checking out your vans I would sincerely appreciate it.
Thank you!