Direct painting over a glaze layer?
Hello Everyone,
I have been experimenting with some glazing techniques (it meant a Vermeer style!), but got really messed up because of the medium (Galkyd) dried up too quickly, and I am a 'slow' painter! I am going to start again because the surface is too bumpy (I had trouble with the underpainting using the Galkyd medium above) smoothly) for a glazing to work smoothly. However, I would like to save this painting by applying the direct method on top of it. (It really does not look too bad, but is rather lumpy for a the glazing to look good).
My questions are:
1. What I am going to do is to paint directly on the painting with a 'fatter' medium. Maybe the same one that I have been using for this painting, i.e. Galkyd with added refined linseed oil or stand oil. Can I use Neo Megilp instead?Will this prevent the painting from cracking?
2. Also, how do I 'erase' a color that I do not want after a few layer of glazing have been applied (on top of a grissaile underpainting),
without having to scrape it all out (the way that I would normally do)? I don't know how it would look with the rest of the painting, if I have to scrape it all out, including the underpainting, and then apply fresh paint on it. Has anyone tried fixing something like this before?
I tried to search for similar messages but could not find any that suggest fixing a badly glazed painting!
Any suggestions to help me saving this painting will be much appreciated!