FT Pro, Mem SOG,'08 Cert Excellence PSA, '02 Schroeder Portrait Award Copley Soc, '99 1st Place PSA, '98 Sp Recognition Washington Soc Portrait Artists, '97 1st Prize ASOPA, '97 Best Prtfolio ASOPA
Joined: Jun 2001
Location: Peterborough, NH
Posts: 1,114
Catch lights in the eyes...
When you paint those little catch lights in the eyes, placing them a little higher than they actually are will oftentimes make the person look "more alert."
Below is an example of this. I "doctored" the Mona Lisa's eyes (with profound apologies to Leonardo). On the left the catch lights are lower than they are on the right.
It is a subtle difference, but I hope you can see that the example on the right makes her look more "alert."