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Old 08-13-2002, 02:52 PM   #11
Mark Stefanowicz
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Bouguereau recipes coming soon

There is a huge book out there of his work, besides the bluish/green one that everyone has. My friend found it and laser-copied/photocopied, cover-to-cover, its 200 or so pages for me. It is extremely hard to find. It has his mediums in there and his color palettes. He changed mediums and palettes 3 times - they found it in his sketch books. I painted one paintng with this medium he used. I BELIEVE it is the one. It has that look, the feeling of his paintings in a way. But it is highly toxic. I think it is worth it. I will post it tomorrow or tonight.
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Old 11-11-2002, 08:44 PM   #12
Josef Sy Josef Sy is offline
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That is true about the 1984 Bouguereau catalogue in Montreal. Very rare. I borrowed a copy when I was in the University of Toronto and they only had 2 copies. It would be cool if the publishers republish that catalog.

There is a Bouguereau in Beaux-Arts de Montreal of 2 girls, one putting a crown of flowers on the other. I think the title is "A Crown of Flowers" but I am not very sure. I always have to go see that painting to everytime I go there. Breathtaking!

There is also a painting (or a study) of a girl's head on AGO. (Art Gallery of Ontario.) The most amazing tones of colors were used. My jaw drops everytime I see it. Thanks for the 2 sites. I have never seen the first one.
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Old 12-04-2002, 04:48 AM   #13
Anwar Shaikh Anwar Shaikh is offline
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Ah, yes, Boogy

I too appreciate this painter. His color is superb as is his draftsmanship; classical composition wonderful and handling is up there with the Mona Lisa. I prefer his more robust mythological scenes finding some of his others lacking in grandeur or drama. Truly amazing, nearly the best I think.

Even though Rembrandt's color is not as pearlescent, I pefer his paintings as far as the greats are concerned. His have a deep humanism where Bougyereau has an idealized, once removed spirituality.

In the same era there were many Impressionist canvases which gave everyday happenings a good amount of dignity while using very similar coloring. In my opinion, I think the Mona Lisa is the finest painting ever. Here is a portrait of a Western woman....her veil recently removed, with a gaze addressing the viewer and with confidence. Firm hands that can labor, yet she chooses to sit for the painter in this case. There is the unkempt landscape in the distance which contrasts with her supple features. As a crowning jewel she seems to move and interact with the viewer in a way only intimates do, with the eyes and subtle expressions. Totally uncanny and actually fearsome in many ways.
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Old 12-15-2002, 12:24 AM   #14
Michael Georges Michael Georges is offline

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I have done two Bouguereau reproductions - one is attached below. I love his work - he was indeed a master and a much maligned master at that.

You can read Daniel David Parkhurst's book on painting online at the Art Renewal Site (http://www.artrenewal.org). Parkhurst was a student of Bouguereau.
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Old 12-15-2002, 01:05 AM   #15
Marvin Mattelson Marvin Mattelson is offline
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My own personal theory is that Bouguereau inspired twentieth century art. His contemporaries obviously realized that when their work was compared to his, they would fall so remarkably short, that they secretly conspired to reverse the rules. Thus turning a two dimensional surface into a two dimensional surface became the goal of modern aRT. There is absolutely no evidence as to the veracity of this theory of mine but as a strong believer in conspiracies I think it rings true.
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Old 12-16-2002, 08:19 AM   #16
Josef Sy Josef Sy is offline
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I have the same idea behind modern art too. I realize that when I was in university and have seen students, even teachers not possessing any once of skill in draughtsmanship.

With modern art as it is today, anybody could be an artist.
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Old 12-26-2002, 06:28 PM   #17
Timothy C. Tyler Timothy C. Tyler is offline
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I have no problem with that idea. Anti-fine art movement-that's pretty much what it became.
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Old 12-30-2002, 06:27 PM   #18
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Hi, I just discovered this thread and his work. Does anyone have a list of colors in his pallette? Could you post it? I love the very soft tones in his painting and would like to try it out. Currently I'm working on a figurative piece that started out fairly impressionistic, but it seems Bouguereau has entered into my subconsious and it is transforming itself into a much softer version. Its time to acknowledge what my alter ego is saying and learn something consciously. I've been to both sites mentioned earlier and have been reading but need to be painting too. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

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Old 12-30-2002, 06:44 PM   #19
Timothy C. Tyler Timothy C. Tyler is offline
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I fear it's not his palette or brushes...ahh that it were.
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Old 12-30-2002, 07:00 PM   #20
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Not fair, Tim

Specifically, what I'm looking for is advice in mixing the soft soft colors. I know that this won't happen overnight. To soften a particular color do I add its complement or lighten it with white, add an earth tone, or add grey or black? Is it time for a color wheel? Is there a particular book that can guide the mixing of landscape colors, or color mixing in general. Time to place a painting in front of me and just mix colors till I've made them all! Study with a master? All of the above? Or write a new book, "How to paint like the master's in 24 hours or less".

I am serious though, even if I am kidding around. Where would you guide a fledgling?

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