Greetings everyone,
This is my first post in this forum. I am working on a head study of my son in colored pencil. In this study I am trying several new techniques such as underpainting,a different stroke and also burnishing skin tones.
At this stage, the light side if his face is almost complete. I will probably go back and make his cheek a little pinker and do some other minor adjustments. Currently I am working on the shadowed side of his face. I have gone all the way up in value and have it as dark as I want to go. The next step will be to go back down the value scale until I get the color I want and will do some more modeling. I am also going to go back and rework the shadowed area of his shoulders and chest. I used too much pressure in this area and consequently have the wrong color and not any difference in value.
I will post the reference photo following this post.
Thank you for any comments or critiques
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