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Faces of Winter Portrait Festival
February 8, 2003
Judges: Ann Fader of Portrait Consultants, Inc. and George Passantino.
FIRST PRIZE: Katherine
Oil by
Grace DeVito, Stamford, CT
Oil by Diane Ashton Aeschliman, Killingworth, CT
THIRD PRIZE: Madam Jeanne
Pastel by Foster Caddell, Voluntown, CT
Carole Watercolor by Harry Burman, Brewster, NY;
Bonne Oil by Mary Ann Cannella, Chester, CT;
Christina Oil by
Grace DeVito, Stamford, CT;
Polo Practice Oil by Jeanine Jackson, Stamford, CT;
Karin Oil by
Marvin Mattelson
Katherine Oil by Diane Afton Aechliman, Killingworth, CT;
Skylar Oil by Michael Brent, Woodbury, CT
Girl with a Sunflower Hat Oil by Elaine Gaskell, South Norwalk, CT;
Betty Oil by Enid Hatton, Fairfield, CT;
Mickey Sculpture by Henriette Huissman, Greenwich, CT;
Lillian Watercolor by Judy Perry, Old Saybrook, CT;
Celine and Alejandro Oil by
Susan Strauss, West Simsbury, CT;
Looking Upward Pastel by Mary Joan Waid, New York City