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Old 02-21-2008, 07:48 AM   #1
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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Figurative moved for Julia Scott

I'm attaching an oil painting I did a while back, inspired by the French Salon painters. It is 4'x2' on a acrylic gessoed panel. If I told everyone how long it took me to do you would all fall down laughing until your sides hurt. I posed my own model (my niece) and even my own doves (those little stinkers are hard to photograph). It has many flaws but the struggle taught me a lot. I still find it hard to paint everyday subjects -- it's so much fun to dress everyone up in a costume!

Thank you.
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Old 02-21-2008, 08:07 AM   #2
Patricia Joyce Patricia Joyce is offline
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Very cool! It looks like you had fun. I am impressed with your handling of the fabric. It reads so well on her leg. Looks like you must have spent a long time on the torso fabric. Very nice.
Pat Joyce
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Old 02-21-2008, 08:12 AM   #3
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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Hi Patricia.. I can not take credit for this painting. I only moved the image to this section for Julia.
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Old 02-21-2008, 10:19 PM   #4
Julia Scott Julia Scott is offline
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Thank you, Mary, for moving this picture for me! And thank you to the kind person who responded already -- I don't have your name on this screen.

I did this several years ago, and in it's original form, it was the first oil painting I completed. Then I went over it again, almost completely repainting it. I would love to get feedback on specific problems I encountered:

I had problems photographing the model full-length. I think I shortened her legs and enlarged her head somehow. Did I need a model stand? Or was I too close to the model? As I remember, I didn't project the image, but drew it freehand, and I think may have distorted it then too.

I had trouble darkening the orange color. In the first version, I simply glazed with purple, which actually worked pretty well, but it was uneven. What is the best way to darken warm colors such as yellow, orange, or red?

I had difficulties with the entire color scheme. I realized too late that the orange clashed with the blue-gray background. Would it have been better with a warm, sienna-toned background? What color costume would have worked better with the cool background?

I actually had problems with the fabric folds too! I posed a large jointed doll with the fabric folds over the leg. It would have been easier with the original model, of course, but she was gone to college by then!

Finally, the skin tones are very red in the shadows. I think I got this from looking at various popular illustrators; they seem to use very warm skin tones, but that seems a bit tacky for fine art. I think, though, that after I committed to the orange costume, the very warm skin seemed necessary. Was it? The model had very fair rosy skin.

Any criticism or hints are greatly appreciated.

Thanks, and best,
Julia Morgan Scott
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