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Old 08-07-2006, 09:14 PM   #1
Judson Eneas Judson Eneas is offline
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Self portrait.

Is this a good resource photo for a self-portrait, not in terms of composition but in terms of lighting etc?
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Old 08-07-2006, 09:56 PM   #2
Joan Breckwoldt Joan Breckwoldt is offline
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A couple of ideas

Hi Judson,

I'm certainly no expert but I'll give you my opinion. You definetely have your shadow and light side with the one source of light, but I think you have too much shadow side of your face. You might try moving your light source so you get some light on the shadow side of your face. Try for the 'Rembrandt lighting' where you have a triangle of light on the cheek on the shadow side. Also, you could use a white posterboard or something similar to bounce just a little light into the shadow side of your face. Lean it up against a chair, playing with the angles, so you get just a little life into the shadows. I think you'll find the camera will give you more shadow than you think you'll get.

But remember, this is your self portrait and you may want a certain mood. But it wouldn't hurt to see if you might like a little more light on your face.

Hope this helps.

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Old 08-07-2006, 10:23 PM   #3
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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It is difficult to separate lighting and composition from one another. These being the essential, fundamental components of any painting. But your question goes to lighting alone, so I'll give you what I can.

You do have some directional side lighting going on and that's a good start. However, if you are contemplating a full figure, one with a lot of component body parts, then you've got to be clever. Unless you wish to be very loose in your interpretation of the facts you need to get some individual references of the relevant body parts: face, hands, feet etc. I wouldn't settle for anything less than a full composition shot backed up by individual close-ups of each important component. I don't think that you would be able to gleen enough information from what I see of your face in this photo. Again, depending on the style you wish to convey. It's easier to have eye lashes and choose not to use them.

Do your best to construct both composition and lighting simultaneously. First find your light, then work your composition from within it. Each will speak to the other to create the whole. Painting from photographs is no simple matter even when the reference is great (and it rarely is). So, spending the time to work out every detail of light and design is crucial to your success. When you do manage to get it right the fewer decisions, judgments, head scratching moments you will have throughout your painting.

I offer these suggestions as they would relate to any subject, not necessarily to a self portrait, which has it's own set of problems. Either way you've got to have light and design all at the same time so set your mind to that. Light discovered, subject enters, adjustments made, shot taken, adjustments made, shot taken, repeat, repeat.

Try checking in the photo tips section for specific tips on getting good reference.

Good luck.
Mike McCarty
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