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Old 09-06-2008, 05:25 PM   #1
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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Portrait of Sudanese Girl to be Auctioned October 1 on Ebay

Ebay Auction October 1, 2008
Portrait of Sudanese Girl
100% of all Proceeds to benefit UNHCR for People of Darfur

Last year I painted a portrait of a little Sudanese girl standing in one of the "feeding centers" in Darfur for the United Nations UNHCR branch. Unfortunately the auction did not take place and I was urged to put the painting up for auction through Ebay / Mission Fish.

Since Ebay is mostly for bargain hunters, my biggest fear has been that not enough funds will be raised to make a difference. After almost a year of making contacts and major campaigning, newspaper coverage, etc. the painting is heading for auction.

I am asking my fellow artist friends to please join in the effort to further help me spread the word.

All you have to do is insert a pre-made widget or the image of this painting with a link to http://www.EnzieShahmiri.com on your social networking site to raise awareness that this auction will be taking place. Please visit the site to learn more.

I want to show that we as individuals have enough power to move mountains, as long as we stay committed enough and join forces with each other.

I hope you will choose to make a difference in the life of those less fortunate as us.

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Enzie Shahmiri
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Old 09-30-2008, 03:24 PM   #2
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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I wanted to thank all of the people who were so kind to step forward and help spread the word about the fundraiser. United we can hopefully make a difference in the life of others!

I have posted the auction today on Ebay and it will run through October 10th. Remember 100% of auction proceeds will benefit UNHCR for the people of Darfur!

To bid for this painting click on
Ebay Fundraising Auction

If you prefer not to bid on the painting and rather make a small contribution please visit the UNHCR site and click on
Donate Now

Every little bit counts and will be greatly appreciated!
Enzie Shahmiri
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Old 10-06-2008, 01:05 PM   #3
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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A little follow up on the auction procedures...

Never having done an on-line auction for a fundraiser this has been quiet a learning curve. I have spent a lot of time writing to people and networking here and there to spread the word.

Some people had made promises and did not act upon them, others totally surprised me with their generosity with their support.

If you are considering doing you own fundraiser here are some pointers of lessons I have learned in no particular order:

1. Set the auction price low, no reserve - to get the ball rolling.

Initially when the painting was posted, the staring bit was set at $500 and it resulted in absolutely no activity. With a heavy heart, I had to evaluate what I was wishing for vs. what made more sense to start a bidding war with. So the starting bid was lowered all the way down to $50. Yes - ouch that hurt - but I was getting very worried! Fortunately altogether 203 viewed the actual Ebay auction and 22 people have placed bids.

2. Request newspapers to print the write up they are doing about the event as close to the actual auction date as possible. I received very generous coverage over the last 3 months, but in hindsight I wonder if it would not have served the cause better if all happened right before the auction date.

3. Choose a painting subject that has a broader mass appeal.
My subject is a Sudanese girl at a feeding center in Darfur. In hindsight, I think a landscape with figures might have appealed to more people than a sad looking little girl.

4. Make sure you offer a way were people can make small donations if they do not want to bid on the painting, but like to contribute. There are widgets that you can get, where small donations can be tracked over time. Unfortunately the United Nations did not have such a widget and I had to refer everyone to their donation page. This means that there is no way of telling who has made contributions through the UN site rather than the Ebay site.

5. Network your heart out! Use cyberspace to attract attention to your cause. Social networking sites and blogs are a great way to create awareness.

6. Email your clients and ask them to help. People like to contribute to worthwhile causes. I have had one client tell me she loves the painting, but it doesn't fit her home. She said she will tell her friends about the auction and make a separate donation.

7. Thank everyone involved once they offer their help and for sure after the auction is over. I think it a nice gesture to let everyone know how much was raised.

8. Pray that all your efforts will pay off!
Enzie Shahmiri
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Old 10-06-2008, 02:26 PM   #4
Alexandra Tyng Alexandra Tyng is offline
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Enzie, good luck on your auction results--and thank you so much for posting all your suggestions. It's good to have your proactive mind working for the benefit of others. It's my hope that artists can think of more ways to use the "power" of portraiture.
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Old 10-06-2008, 06:58 PM   #5
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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Thanks Alex ! I couldn't agree more with what you said:
It's my hope that artists can think of more ways to use the "power" of portraiture.
Although I am sure that there are already a lot of portrait artists who use their skills for these type of benefits, the internet is just another venue to try out.

When I started looking into this I really had no clue what I was doing and learned through trial and error. Hopefully someone else can improve on this and have even better auction results. Although I am still hoping to raise a fortune! LOL
Enzie Shahmiri
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Old 10-13-2008, 07:20 PM   #6
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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The auction brought in $290 dollars and the painting is on it's way to England!

A lot of really good publicity for the crisis in Darfur has been generated and I am pleased with the results, already thinking of the next fundraiser!
Enzie Shahmiri
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