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Old 05-22-2006, 05:29 AM   #1
Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco is offline
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Sitting or standing?

A much down to earth subject: are you sitting or standing when you paint ?
I normally stand all the time, both working from life and from photos.
Recently though, thanks to a new easel I nerdily bought without considering the height of my studio ceiling, I find myself sitting when I paint smaller canvases.

I realised that the chair, positioned at a distance from the easel, prevents me from getting too close to the canvas and fiddle in small areas, I instead tend to paint at arm's lenght.
Switching from table to easel when I abandoned pencils for oils was the best thing I could do to my neck and shoulders, and maybe some sitting time willmake my days less exhausting!

Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco
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Old 05-22-2006, 08:25 AM   #2
Claudemir Bonfim Claudemir Bonfim is offline
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I paint most of the time doing what Bill Whitaker calls "The Painter's Dance".
My knees and feet hurt at the end of a busy day.
[email protected]
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Old 05-22-2006, 09:24 AM   #3
Richard Monro Richard Monro is offline
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I'm a stander.
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Old 05-22-2006, 09:26 AM   #4
Jeff Fuchs Jeff Fuchs is offline
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I had an idea that I haven't yet acted on. I sit on a barstool to paint. When I get tired of sitting, I want to stand for a while, which is fine when working from photos, but not from life.

So I'm considering removing the seat from the bar stool and adding a block of wood (or a plywood box) to make up the difference between my sitting height, and standing height, and remounting the seat at the higher altitude. That way, sitting or standing, I'll be at the same height. Of course, I'm very short, so it won't take much to raise the chair. Those of you who are more vertically blessed may have difficulty with this.
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Old 05-22-2006, 10:43 AM   #5
Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth is offline
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It varies depending on how large a section I'm working on. When doing backgrounds or large areas of clothing, I stand so I can get back and check my work every few strokes.

When working on small detailed areas like the face, I sit. I work on the face a very small section at a time so I get up to look at it when there's enough of it done to need checking.
Michele Rushworth
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Old 05-25-2006, 02:15 AM   #6
Karin Lindhagen Karin Lindhagen is offline
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I work from life a lot, and then I want to be at the same hight as my model. So if my model sits, so do I.

When working from photos, my position varies depending on which easel I am using. I have a small easel that keeps wanting to fall over if I adjust it to a standing hight, and another easel that is big and heavy and very suitable for working standing.

When I work in watercolors (not for the portraits, generally) I have my paper laying on a table and I lean over it. That is truly gruesome; after a couple of hours my back hurts. I really ought to think of something better.
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Old 05-25-2006, 04:27 PM   #7
Richard Bingham Richard Bingham is offline
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Standing. Is this a poll?

Originally Posted by Claudemir Bonfim
I what Bill Whitaker calls "The Painter's Dance".
Sargent literally wore a path in the rug . . .
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Old 05-25-2006, 08:08 PM   #8
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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I do both for the same reasons as mentioned before.

I do like to ask: "When standing, at what degree of tilt, do you keep your easel at?

When I stand my back just kills me after some time, because I seem to be leaning away from the easel, even though the easel is tilted away from me as well. The position of me and the easel is like a "V" , if I tilt the easel towards me matters get even worse. So now I am starting to wonder if maybe my eyesight is going bad. So please help an aging artist with your input.
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Old 05-26-2006, 04:58 PM   #9
Richard Bingham Richard Bingham is offline
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That's interesting, Enzie. I wouldn't be averse if this thread morphed into discussions of eye-sight . . .

A couple of observations - I never understood adjusting an easel for a backward tilt. Dead plumb is the obvious position that eliminates visual distortions, but a slight cant forward is how I set up my easel for two functional reasons. 1., a forward cant is more likely to eliminate glare from the ambient light, and 2. Depending on the consistency of the paint and your ways of working, if anything runs or drops from the brush, it won't trail down the entire workpiece.

To be comfortable at work standing depends on whether one remains immoble, and moves one's head to alter the point of view of the work, or whether one "paces", changing position in stride to compare canvas to model, and see a complete overview of the work in progress. If you never "back off" you may as well sit . . .
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Old 05-26-2006, 05:21 PM   #10
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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I was also taught in school to have the easel at a slight forward tilt for the same reasons that you have mentioned, but recently it just hasn't been a comfortable position to work at.

Have to check exactly how much back and forth moving I do, maybe that's the culprit. Good point!
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