Very nice. The drawing is obviously well observed, as are the values. The only thing I'd look at would be incorporating some tonal and color effects in the background. The effect would be less "pasted on," and would give you a chance for some lost and found edges. Also, the strokes seem a little uniform and same-y, tentative. Try different surfaces and edges of the pastels for more stroke variety.
Two excellent artists to study to see some of what I'm referring to are the inimitable Harley Brown, and also the late Bettina Steinke. Ms. Steinke painted a lot of the same subjects as this, with a tremendously sculptural vigor and force to the strokes. They both do a lot of vignetting into the background, as here--especially in their pastel work.
Good luck, and happy painting.
"The dream drives the action."
--Thomas Berry, 1999