Smear proof pastels
There is another way to use pastels that will ensure that no one will smear them. Seven years ago I did some small drawings using Conte' pencils, and NuPastels on Strathmore Artagain paper. I did the drawing then coated heavily with Grumbacher workable fixative, then coated with a layer of Damar varnish. Your pastel will appear ghost-like after that, so you need to work it up again with the pastels. Then coat again with fixative, and then with Damar. It will take about three layers of this type to bring it up.
My small drawings are still fine, but I am concerned about the permanence of the paper coated with Damar. In the future I will use Strathmore Aquarius watercolor paper. I will first tint and spatter it with watercolor, then do my pastel drawing, fixative, and then coat with "diluted" layer of damar. I will try spraying the damar on my drawing in stead of brushing it on. I will dilute the damar with an equal part of turpentine. I am doing this now. I just got my pre-val sprayer today. I will let you know how it works out. I will also post the small drawing that I did seven years ago using this method.