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Old 08-07-2008, 08:58 AM   #1
Amanda Grosjean Amanda Grosjean is offline
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Hello from Toledo

Hello everyone,

My name is Amanda Grosjean and I live in Toledo, Ohio. It is an absolute honor to be an excepted member of this forum. I have a deep respect for the talent and knowledge of the artists within this website. I am thrilled to have access to professional advice and to be part of an active artist community again.

I have a BFA from University of Toledo however I didn't pick up painting until after graduation, about 4 years ago. I am determined to prove that it is possible to make a living as an artist. I am certainly encouraged and inspired by the success stories on this site.

I have recently finished my website, http://amandagrosjean.com/ , and I am in the process advertising for in a local "trendy" paper that suits my demographic. I am not getting a response and after reading an earlier thread, that sound typical. I understand that most commissions are based on word of mouth. I was going to start a new thread but maybe I'll just propose a question here.
How did you all start your business? Other than galleries, how did you get your name out there? How and where have you advertised to local prospective clients? I'd love to hear some stories of your first official commissions.

Thank you so much,

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Old 08-07-2008, 07:31 PM   #2
Linda Brandon Linda Brandon is offline
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Welcome to the Forum, Amanda! I enjoyed clicking through your site (and may I add that if you don't find much portrait work in your area you should certainly continue to do your figurative work and apply for gallery representation. I think you have a gift for narrative figurative paintings as well as for portraiture.)

There is a lot of information addressing your business questions contained in the Business, Marketing and PR section of this Forum.

Getting a great portfolio together and creating samples of portraits are very high priorities for everyone interested in the business. Start painting friends and relatives and hire models if you have to. (It probably helps to have attractive subjects in your samples, though I don't know that for a fact.) Try to include adults, children, a group of children... anything that will spark ideas in the heads of potential clients. Remember, portrait artists are hired on the basis of their past performance, not necessarily their potential to paint a great painting at some future date.

Several Forum members have received portfolio awards from the Portrait Society and I hope they will give you some input as to what to include in your portfolio.
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Old 08-07-2008, 10:32 PM   #3
Chris Saper Chris Saper is offline
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Dear Amanda,

Welcome. As Linda has suggesed, enjoy the wealth of information here.Look forward to your participation.
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Old 08-08-2008, 10:02 AM   #4
Michael Georges Michael Georges is offline

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Welcome Amanda! Nice website!
Michael Georges
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Regular and consistent work from life will improve your portraits.
Drawing skills are the foundation of all an artist does.
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Old 08-08-2008, 10:53 AM   #5
Amanda Grosjean Amanda Grosjean is offline
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Thank you for the warm welcome!

I see, so what you are saying is, "Paint it and they will come." I like that.

I have been so consumed the past couple of months with creating a logo, business cards, ad and website design (and figuring out computers as I go) that
I haven't been able to paint. Now that I have the business foundations out of the way I am so antsy to get back to work, I can't stand it.
Even though I don't have any commissions yet it is nice to have the opportunity to build the portfolio in a way that I will have control of. It's a way of stacking the deck, I suppose.
I will certainly be pouring through the old posts to get more info.
Thanks again and I welcome any additional comments.
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Old 08-08-2008, 03:26 PM   #6
Patricia Joyce Patricia Joyce is offline
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Hi Amadna,
We are practically neighbors! I live in Cleveland. Nice to have you here. You will learn so much and the best advice I can give you is to paint, paint, paint and as Marvin Mattelson says, the best advertising is to get as much of your work hanging in the right homes.

A nice jump start to my business whas from a friend of a friend who lives in Darien, Ct.. Her whole house is original art of artists she loves to represent. Anyone coming into her home knows that everything is for sale. Twice a year she hosts a party to showcase her collection. I have sold at least a half a dozen drawings this way and gotten a few commissions. If you know someone who is very high up the corporate ladder and you know they entertain, volunteer to do ar portrait! Donating a portrait to charity functions has been my best advertising. In fact I did four this year so far and I am backed up with six paying commissions from these.

Your website is nice as is your work. I am excited for you. Look forward to hearing of your progress.

Pat Joyce
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Old 08-08-2008, 04:59 PM   #7
Amanda Grosjean Amanda Grosjean is offline
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Sounds like you have a great system Patricia! I really appreciate all those ideas.

I have no problem doing free portraits. In fact, I was considering doing one for free for our local congresswoman (I have a friend who works in her office). I became very concerned that that would be frowned upon (amongst artistic communities) since I didn't earn it or was selected through some committee. Is this a faux pas?
I'd love for some of you to weigh in on that. I think that it would be such a great addition to my portfolio.
Also, has anyone written directly to a country club or organization with an offer for a free painting for advertising purposes?
I know there is a market in my area for my business. There are some definite upscale neighborhoods and country clubs in my area, I just have to get in!
I have plans to go to my friend's Kiwanis club to do a little talk in a week or so..not really sure what I am going to say but I know this will have more of an impression than her handing out my business cards.
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Old 08-09-2008, 11:31 AM   #8
Patricia Joyce Patricia Joyce is offline
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My suggestion would be to search out charitable organizations, particularly national ones who have a chapter in Toledo. Private school fundraisers are great because all the parents want what one person has won!

Last November I walked through the Bay Village preschool PTA annual tour of centennial homes, all decorated for Christmas. Vendors from the area offer food, drink, they decorate the walls, put up the trees and Christmas regalia (sp?). I contacted them and they are very happy to have me do a portrait for one home and then it will hang on their wall and some of my other work with hang throughout the house. Hundreds of people walk through these home, it is a very popular home tour on the west side of Cleveland. See if there is something like that in Toledo.

Back to the easel
Happy Painting!
Pat Joyce
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