04-23-2005, 12:22 PM
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Posts: 483
Patricia, seated three quarters' length
There is some more work to be done in the tiles of the background, but this is pretty much the finished piece as far as the figure is concerned. Oil on linen 92 x 73 cm. Done in part from life and also with the aid of photographic references. All comments welcome and thank you for viewing.
04-23-2005, 01:58 PM
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Wow Carlos,
What a vivid and sensual portrait of your model. You have certainly got the most out of everything. The sitter is described in a relaxed way and all the elements in the picture are adding to the whole.
Very delicate color scale in the background and the warm Sienna color in the tiles set off the Light Red color of the dress. And I could go on....
The only thing that strikes me is the dark shadow under the hair above the forehead, maybe it could be less open ?
04-24-2005, 05:11 PM
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Joined: Apr 2004
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Posts: 640
Carlos, this is a very well executed work.
I was immediately struck by its balance: the scale, placement and management of colour is very well planned, and immediately conveys a feeling of elegance.
I have two remarks, one by the painter and one by the woman. As a painter, I find the neck a bit weird, not as well explained as the head.
As a woman I would like to take a small brush and comb the eyebrows upwards. Do you know we spend ages in plucking, brushing, shaping the eyebrows? Her eyebrows look like they go down instead of going up, which slightly change her expression, or maybe that's just the way she looks, in this case just forget about this comment.
Many compliments, I am sure she will be very happy with this painting muy hermoso
04-24-2005, 05:41 PM
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Thank you Allan and Ilaria for viewing and for your comments.
I agree completely with the strong shadow where the hairline starts, Allan. I have worked on it a bit today and I think it has gained somewhat. I am scheduled for another sitting with the client tomorrow to fine tune details. I will check that neck, Ilaria, and thank you for your sensitive and crucial comment on the eyebrow, even if I had also worked on it earlier today before your post. Nevertheless, I will have the client in front of me tomorrow, so...I will be posting the changes when they are final. Thanks again.
04-24-2005, 05:43 PM
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This is a lovely and well designed portrait.Hoever I would eliminate or subdue the wrinkles on her bodice. Design them and simplify them more. Also I do not think the wrinkles work well on her stomach area. A lot of times in portraiture editing is important. Leaving out things that detract and emphasizing things that embellish.
05-29-2005, 05:29 PM
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Sorry for such a delay in the response. Since my last visit I have moved house and was without access to internet for a while.
Here is the finished portrait. I've made some adjustments and refinements overall, since the last post...she was very pleased with the result and so were her husband and parents. But they don't paint...so I would like comments from the ones who do...thanks for viewing.
06-02-2005, 02:37 AM
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Joined: Oct 2004
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 57
I think it is lovely, Carlos. And fresh, too--by that I mean it does not look like a run-of-the-mill traditional portrait. I'm glad they are pleased.
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