Hi Linda,
I like a lot of what Steven said, I think all those corrections would really help make this a stronger piece.
I think if you could find some threads through the "search" that have been posted about the color, value and temperature it would be helpful too. Check into the "local color" of your husband's skin in this light and build on that. Right now it looks like you are counting on reds and yellow, in the photo he has a nice skin tone - look at the part of on his right forehead and nose. Do you know the time your photo was taken, that will help you determine your shadow colors.
The Mi-Teintes paper can be hard to work on if your pastels are a little harder, like Rembrandts, they tend to leave a lot of "paper holes" I am a smudge queen so maybe you should blend more as you build your color. I find it easier to work on a larger paper too. It helps get the big sticks from not messing up my detail.
I think with more work you can take this base and give it some life.
p.s. Your husband's a cutie! Mine would kill for his hair!