I don't really recall what series of turns in the Forum maze I took to find this post, but I now see that it came in during a 4-month hiatus I took on another planet, so you've probably already painted this one and cashed the check, which ought to have been large.
These are beautiful subjects and I hope you have a practice of preserving and framing your preliminary charcoals. (How I used to hate the practice of calling those "cartoons".)
Anyway, what a treat to see this (as I type, I'm not aware of having seen the painting, but I'll go into your website anon). The single thing I would have commented on was the slightly skewed-to-our-left attitude of the older girl's nose. It seems to have a compass direction somewhat different from the plane of the face.
I admire your willingness to keep doing the preliminary work. Too many practitioners give that up after the studio instructors aren't around anymore, and then they post in-progress works that need substantial re-design.